Mark Browning has conducted research on barn owls for the past ten years. His project in California attracted 18 breeding pairs of barn owls that fledged 66 young on 100 acres. He is the designer of the Barn Owl Box.

Patent Granted to Barn Owl Box Company

The Barn Owl Box Company is happy to announce that we have been granted patent on our innovative design for nest boxes made from rotomolded plastic. Our designs are lightweight, very long lasting, easy to install, and resist heating in…

Bluebird Facts

Bluebirds begin breeding in early to late March in most areas. Breeding begins with males staking out potential nest sites and advertising them to prospective females with display flights and calls. Once the female chooses a site, she alone will…

Screech Owl Facts

The screech owl does not really screech. Its main calls are a soft tremolo and a whinny. The western screech owl call sounds like a bouncing ball. Screech owls are easily attracted to nest boxes. Screech owls eat mainly rodents.…

Kestrel Facts

Combine day-hunting kestrels with nocturnal-hunting barn owls to hit rodent populations around the clock. During breeding season, a kestrel family can consume upwards of 500 voles or mice, and a large number of injurious insects including grasshoppers and locusts. Numerous…

Barn Owl Biology Facts

The seventeen species of barn owls are so different than from all the other 200-plus owls in the world that they are placed in their own taxonomic division. This difference is manifested not only in the physiology of barn owls,…

California State Fair

Since Mark Browning delivered three days of talks on barn owls at the California State Fair in 2011, a sample nest box has stood on the grounds in the agricultural section.  

Welcome to our New Site

This site is designed to help you understand barn owl biology, how to attract barn owls, how best to apply integrated pest management methods for natural rodent control, and give you information on the biology of common pest species, including…

A List of Some of Our Clients

And many more.