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Red phase screech owl in residence in our nest box design
- The screech owl does not really screech. Its main calls are a soft tremolo and a whinny. The western screech owl call sounds like a bouncing ball.
- Screech owls are easily attracted to nest boxes.
- Screech owls eat mainly rodents.
- Eastern and Western Screech Owl ranges combine to cover most of the U.S.
- Preferred screech owl habitat is broken woods, gardens, and backyards.
- Screech owls can easily be called down for observation by imitating screech owl calls or playing recordings of screech owls.
- Screech owls are common in suburban settings, even within heavily populated areas.
- Eastern screech owls can be red or gray, even in the same brood.
- Western screech owls come in brown and gray phases.
- The rotomolded Screech Owl Nest Box made by the Barn Owl Box Company will far outlast wooden nest boxes.
- The lack of suitable nesting sites is often the greatest limiting factor for screech owl populations.
- Screech owls prefer nest boxes over natural cavities, mainly because most natural cavities are more cramped than manmade boxes.
- Neither Eastern or Western screech owls migrate, remaining permanent residents.
Habitat: Open areas, pastures, meadows, grasslands, row crops, hay, orchards, vineyards, wetlands
Habitat: Suburban backyards, areas with mixed trees and shrubs, woodlands.
Habitat: Open fields, pastures, grasslands, row crops, orchards, vineyards.
Habitat: Open fields, pastures, grasslands, row crops, orchards, vineyards
Habitat: Suburban backyards, areas with mixed trees and shrubs, woodlands.
A List of Some of Our Clients
- Wente Vineyards, Livermore, CA
- Sterling Wine Grapes, Newberg, OR
- Lodi Winegrape Commission, Lodi, CA
- The Vineyard Team, Paso Robles CA
- Sisk Family Orchards, Modesto, CA
- Hahn Winery, Napa, CA
- New Hope Audubon Society, Pittsboro, NC
- Illinois Audubon Society, Springfield, IL
- Blue Acres Blueberry Farm, Newcastle, CA
- Pacific Gas and Electric, San Francisco, CA
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources
- Illinois Army Corps of Engineers
- Vino Farms, Elk Grove, CA
- Rubicon Estates, Napa, CA
And many more.
Habitat: Open areas, pastures, meadows, grasslands, row crops, hay, orchards, vineyards, wetlands
Habitat: Suburban backyards, areas with mixed trees and shrubs, woodlands.
Habitat: Open fields, pastures, grasslands, row crops, orchards, vineyards.
Habitat: Open fields, pastures, grasslands, row crops, orchards, vineyards.
Habitat: Suburban backyards, areas with mixed trees and shrubs, woodlands.